Discuss the criminal case, psychological theories and behaviors associated with the crime, assessment procedures, the evaluation process, diagnosis of the criminal defendant and effective treatment modalities.

Identify a criminal case, such as James Eagan Holmes (Aurora, CO 2012 movie theater shooting); Andrea Yates (in 2001 Yates drowned her 5 children in a bathtub); Jaren Kuester (murdered three people in 2013); Dennis Radar (murdered 10 people between 1974 and 1991); and John Hinkley Jr. (obsessed with actress Jodie Foster and attempted assassination of President Reagan), where the defendant demonstrated psychological deviance. Discuss the criminal case, psychological theories and behaviors associated with the crime, assessment procedures, the evaluation process, diagnosis of the criminal defendant and effective treatment modalities. Please be sure to also address the ethical considerations for this case. In your response please also include your reaction as a future forensic mental health counselor.

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