Discuss the major movements of the biblical metanarrative (Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation).

BIBLICAL METANARRATIVE ESSAY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the unified and coherent nature of the Bible by explaining the overarching narrative of Scripture. Understanding the big story of the Bible or what some call the biblical metanarrative is foundational to one’s understanding of theology. One way to view Scripture is through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation. In this essay, you will explain the four major plot movements of the biblical metanarrative, and you will show how the biblical metanarrative fosters a biblical worldview. INSTRUCTIONS After viewing the presentations Understanding the Metanarrative and What is a Worldview? and completing your textbook readings, you will write your essay. For this assignment, you must write a 750–1,000-word essay. Please see the specific assignment requirements listed below. 1. Write a clear introductory paragraph including a thesis statement. A summative concluding paragraph must also be included. 2. Discuss the major movements of the biblical metanarrative (Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation). Each of these major plot movements should be explained in a separate paragraph. There should be a minimum of 1 passage of Scripture included for each of the major plot movements. When defining and describing the biblical metanarrative, you should incorporate at least 2 theological references from the course materials. 3. Discuss how an understanding of the biblical metanarrative fosters a biblical worldview. This should be a separate paragraph from the biblical metanarrative paragraphs. In this section, seek to show how an understanding of the biblical metanarrative helps a person answer the five worldview questions. These are the questions of origin, identity, meaning, morality, and destiny. Below is a quick overview of the five worldview questions. a. Origin – How did life begin in the first place? Where did I come from? b. Identity – What does it mean to be a human? Am I more important than animals? c. Meaning – Why are we here? Why am I here? d. Morality – What is meant by right and wrong? How should I live? e. Destiny – Is there life after death? What will happen to me when I die? 4. Incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course resources. 5. Incorporate at least 4 relevant biblical references. Use the provided Biblical Metanarrative Essay Template as a guide.

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