Discuss the theories and concepts about how prejudice and stereotypes occur.

Exam Content
We can all imagine a time when working with teams helped motivate and inspire us and helped us accomplish a significant feat. When interacting with others, it is important to consider how to show empathy and respect.

Assume you are working for a company that provides HR training.

Create an 8- to 10-slide (NOT counting the title or references slides) PowerPoint presentation for a webinar to deliver to the organization.

Complete the following in your presentation:
Provide an overview of the organization you chose.
Discuss the theories and concepts about how prejudice and stereotypes occur.

How should this organization effectively raise awareness regarding stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination? (Challenge yourself to go beyond the response of providing training.)
Based on the information you have obtained about this organization, what recommendations could you provide the company to help them more effectively work with different personalities, individual differences, or gender differences in the workplace?
Discuss how these strategies align with the recommendations in the readings.
Discuss how these factors may serve to benefit or hinder the organizational culture.

Review the Important Expectations announcement for important information about expectations regarding PowerPoint presentations.
For your PowerPoint presentations: Make sure you use 24 pt font for all slides. Put minimal information on the slides and use the presenter notes. You MUST have reference in your presenter notes. Additionally, when the instructions say 8-10 slides, this does NOT include the title or reference slide, but only information slides.

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