Discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s holding and reasoning in the Bremerton case.


You recently accepted a position at a law firm that represents the local school district. The school district has asked your firm’s advice about one of its coach’s activities on the basketball court. Apparently, after the games, the coach walks to center court, looks up to the ceiling, and recites a prayer of thanks to God that the game was completed without anyone being seriously injured. Initially, the coach said the prayer on his own, but after some of the players realized what he was doing, they joined him at center court, as did some of the parents and even some of the opposing team members and coaches. The superintendent feels as if this is getting out of hand and would like to put a stop to it before they are sued by a parent who could be offended.

As it happens, the U.S. Supreme Court recently issued an opinion that squarely applies to this situation. Read Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, and review the following supplemental materials:

Rachel Laser Discusses Kennedy v. Bremerton School District (Against Prayer on the football field) ( https://youtu.be/wdjqwcWb6R4?si=aY1CtF0G5QBi5vam )

A Win for Liberty (In favor of Prayer on the football field) (https://mslegal.org/cases/kennedy-v-bremerton-school-district/ )

Answer the following questions in 2–4 pages:

Discuss the basic facts of the Bremerton case.

Discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s holding and reasoning in the Bremerton case.

According to the Bremerton case, are the basketball coach’s actions constitutional or do they violate either the Establishment Clause or the Religion Clause of the First Amendment?

Does the Freedom of Speech Clause apply to the basketball coach’s case, and if so, does it help or hurt the basketball coach’s position?

If you were ruling in the Bremerton case (and were not bound by the doctrine of stare decisis), would you agree with the Justice Gorsuch’s opinion, either concurring opinion, or Justice Sotomayor’s opinion? Explain your response in detail.

APA Formatting of Possible References and In-text Citations

Because you are discussing the Kennedy v. Bremerton School District case, please make sure that you use the Bremerton case citation as one of your references and in-text citations, which are listed in bold below.

(All references are double-spaced, in alphabetical order, and include a hanging indent.)


Audotorg. (2022, June 28). Rachel Laser Discusses Kennedy v. Bremerton School District in Newsy Tonight with Chance Seales [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdjqwcWb6R4

Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, 597 U.S. ____ (2022). https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/597/21-418/#tab-opinion-4601251

Mountain States Legal Foundation. (2022, June 28). SCOTUS Watch: Kennedy v. Bremerton School District [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1297IRqSFU&t=5s

In-text citations for above references:

(Audotorg, 2022).

(Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, 2022).

(Mountain States Legal Foundation, 2022).

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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