Discuss treatment, including any assessment you would use as well as any treatment approaches.

Review the attachment and select one of the case studies to assess diagnosis and treatment. Your paper should include the following:
Follow APA 7th Ed style writing and formatting. Please use resources such as APA styles or the attachment below on APA writing and formatting.
Be sure to define the disorder you select for the client, including the symptoms and behaviors that are reflected in the client that meet the disorder you select.

Be sure to discuss the biopsychosocial component of the client and discuss if any of it plays a role in the client’s disorder or mental health concerns.
Discuss treatment, including any assessment you would use as well as any treatment approaches.
Discuss any ethical and multicultural concerns. If they are not visible, explain that as well.

You can use the APA resources to help guide your APA 7th style writing.
This paper should be a minimum total of 6 pages long which includes:
Page 1: Title Page
Page 2-5: Body of text
Page 6: Reference (5 references minimum)

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