Discuss various policies and measures implemented by the state of California to address drought challenges.

For topic (a) you should address, at
minimum, the following points.

i. Causes of droughts in California:
discuss a) oceanic phenomena can lead to variations in sea surface
temperatures, atmospheric circulation, and precipitation patterns, affecting
drought conditions in the stat, b) how mountain ranges such as the Coast Ranges
and the Sierra Nevada can block moisture-laden air, leading to arid conditions
in certain regions, c) how alterations in land cover can influence
evapotranspiration rates, water runoff, and overall water availability,
contributing to drought conditions,
ii. Socio economic impacts of drought in
California: discuss a) impacts on California’s Agriculture – how water
scarcity affects crop yields, farmer livelihoods, and the overall economy; b)
impacts on the environment – how prolonged dry spells can contribute to
wildfires and other environmental challenges and c) impacts on water supply for
residents, businesses, and municipal services.
including impacts on water supply, agriculture, and the
environment. iii. The Role of
Climate Change in California’s Droughts: Explore
the connection between climate change and the increasing frequency and severity
of droughts in California.
iv. Drought mitigation measures: Discuss various policies and measures implemented
by the state of California to address drought challenges. These may include
water conservation initiatives, groundwater management regulations, and
investments in water infrastructure.
The paper should be at least 1500
words, not including the title page, table of contents and the bibliography. Only
the papers that meet this requirement will be graded. To
avoid any doubt, use the Microsoft Word count feature to check the number of
words in your document and indicate it in the space provided at the lower right
corner of your cover page (see below).
You are allowed to use figures for
illustrations, but they only must be referenced in the body of the document.
All supporting figures and tables should be adequately labeled and must be
attached to the document as an appendix.

The discussion should be
substantive, coherent, and based on accurate presentation of facts and logic
supported by appropriate and adequate references. This requires reading widely
and analyzing the work of others, using as many sources as you can, synthesizing
information from all the source materials and presenting it in your own words. This means quotes are not allowed.

Your sources should, at
minimum, include five journal articles. This means you can have as
many references as you could get and from various sources but at least five of
them must be journal articles.

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