Discuss Women’s Suffrage Movement.

You will write a 1.5 to 2 page paper with your view on the supporters and non supporters of the suffrage movement and whether or not discrimination of women still exists today. Write your paper on a Word document.
Your paper should address the following information (body paragraphs):
Summarize the arguments of the suffrage movement and the anti suffrage movement.
Summarize the arguments for and against using military tactics in the suffrage movement.
Explain your thoughts on the historical movement. Consider the following questions and respond to one of them using specific details and examples from the readings and primary sources.
a. What attitudes about women and their relationships with men has to be overcome before women could participate in politics?
b. What extra challenges did African-American women face in the struggle to voting rights?
Explain your thoughts the vestiges of discrimination against women that still exist today. Consider the following questions and respond to one of them using specific details and examples from the readings and the primary sources.
a. Are women discriminated against in politics today? Are some of the arguments against women the same today as they were in the early 1900s? How are they alike and how are they different?
b. Women make up half the population of the United States. Are they represented in political office according to those numbers? Why or why not?

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