.Do you think that this way of reasoning is a good one to choose if you had to change a person’s mind about a topic in which you are knowledgeable? Why or Why not?

Read the following exchange at the link provided below. It gives a detailed account of a type of interaction in the “Socratic Method”. You may answer each question individually; however, your answer should be AT LEAST one paragraph long and well thought out. Please provide references where applicable and do try to keep your submission in the 2-3 page range. http://www.socraticmethod.net/morality/page1.htm
When you are done, answer the following questions:
1. How does the exchange align with the Socratic Method?
2. What type of contradictions in the Preacher’s thoughts about morality was Socrates able to expose?
3.Do you believe that Socrates was able to successfully change the Preacher’s mind about his initial belief? Why or why not?
4.Do you think that this way of reasoning is a good one to choose if you had to change a person’s mind about a topic in which you are knowledgeable? Why or Why not?

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