Does the United Nations (UN) function adequately as a mechanism for cooperation between states?

Question: Does the United Nations (UN) function adequately as a mechanism for cooperation between states? For what ?
The intervention of the United Nations (UN) in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My subject consists of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the intervention of the UN in this conflict.
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Question: Does the United Nations (UN) function adequately as a mechanism for cooperation between states? For what ?
The intervention of the United Nations (UN) in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My subject consists of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the intervention of the UN in this conflict.
The United Nations (UN) in the conflict between Israel and Palestine has not functioned adequately and taken the role of a cooperation mechanism between these two states. The UN is supposed to maintain international security, peace, protect human rights and even provide humanitarian aid, but all of this has not been carried out in this conflict.

Your topic concerns the intervention (or rather non-intervention) of the United Nations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I therefore advise you to focus on the reasons why the UN intervention failed (American veto, internal influences from Israel and the USA)

Develop your work project in 2300 words
The United Nations – background
The United Nations is a security council that represents the United Nations organization. This organization was created after the Second World War and its damage, in 1945, since certain countries wanted peace in the world forever. Its objective is to avoid the emergence of conflicts between countries. The functioning of these organizations is separated into several states and each state can have its voice. There are 5 members who are permanent and have the right to veto, which is a way to come back to something later. These members are the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China. Indeed, the United States uses this veto to protect Israel.

Part 2 Israel is insecure and the UN has not interfered: A- Israel to possess more dangerous weapons over time First, the UN has not responded well to the conflict as the State of Israel has increasingly possessed dangerous weapons as the conflict has progressed. This is a security failure for the Palestinian state, since they themselves do not have any weapons to protect themselves. Indeed, the UN was unable to stop fire and this led to conflict. The UN does not intervene in airstrikes because it believes that Israel has the right to defend itself since the country was attacked by Hamas, but the way Israel defends itself is not in a good way and it is not followed in the UN laws. The UN has rules for maintaining peace and security and one of those principles in the charters is that one should not resort to threat or force, which Israel has not established. B- The UN finds it difficult to stop Israel In addition, the UN will also have to consider this conflict as a genocide, since they are victims of human rights violations. The inability of the UN to ensure peace and security is proof of its weak mechanism for cooperation between states. What the Israelis do is they murder people and then get away with lying to the UN. The UN is aware that it is a genocide, but does not offer any adequate humanitarian aid even if their living conditions are disastrous. Citizens live without the basic need for an individual’s right. Palestinians continue to die in large numbers due to violence. The UN charter was not established for Palestine and it demonstrates a lack of strength to implement its solutions. The genocide is always blamed for the fact that it was Hamas who started this conflict, but their own region has been occupied for years.

Part 3

Palestine is insecure and the UN has not interfered

A- Palestine aims to be annihilated (United States).

On the other hand, the situation in Palestine is also alarming and once again the UN has failed to help them. The UN is supposed to protect citizens, but on the contrary, more deaths than ever have been estimated. The chances of a lasting ceasefire have not been established and this proves that the UN does not guarantee peace. The United States accepts this genocide and seeks to always use the veto to maintain Israel’s security. American foreign policy aims to gain control of oil reserves in the Middle East. The UN has not functioned as a mechanism for cooperation between Israel and Palestine; insecurity in both countries persists. Since 1970, the Americans have vetoed a resolution on this subject 35 times and still, the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip is dependent on support from the United States.

B- The United Nations negotiations did not conclude the conflict.

The West Bank and Gaza have been controlled by Israel for 44 years and since then, most residents were born under this occupation. A Pakistani diplomat announced in sessions and forced a ceasefire at the UN. He had called for a very urgent stop and unnecessary aerial bombs. One of the points that was negotiated was that if a power occupies another region, it does not have the right to defend itself against its people, since it occupies this region. It is true that the UN has issued and compromised several resolutions to resolve this conflict, but in reality, the UN does not have strong power against Israel, since the situation continues and has not found a solution. positive. Indeed, the UN only has a simple moral and political force, but they do not control the vote and decisions are made by the majority.Bibliographie préliminaire.

Introduction (1 page or less) – mention of the subject – thesis or hypothesis (not both) – relevance of the topic (if you want) – structure of what follows • Development – identifiable sections (steps of the argument) – logical organization of sections – logical organization of the material within the sections – limit yourself to 3 sections • Conclusion (~175 words) – quick recap • 8 to 10 sources, cited adequately (method of your choice) Double spacing please.

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