Emotional intelligence-The review should be at least 2 typed pages and should include your opinion about the topic. For instance, how does it relate to you? How does it relate to class discussions or information?

The article must be from a professional journal or newspaper.
The article must be written within the last 5 years.
The review must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point, times new roman font.
Your name and the date should be on the first line.
The review should begin following your name and date with a citation of the article in APA format. (See below)
The review should be at least 2 typed pages and should include your opinion about the topic. For instance, how does it relate to you? How does it relate to class discussions or information?
If you choose an article that discusses an issue in a country other than the United States, you must make a comparison between how the issue is handled in the U.S. and how it is discussed in your article.

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