Erikson’s data: A psychosocial assessment, including Erikson’s stage-What client data or behaviors support your choice of Erikson’s stage?

a. Erikson’s data: A psychosocial assessment, including Erikson’s stage needs to be included. What client data or behaviors support your choice of Erikson’s stage?
i.What has the client expressed about their current situation? What can you do to engage yourself with this client’s experience, and show that he/she matters to you as a person (therapeutic communication)? an 81 Yr old female was admitted to the hospital because she fell from her chair while trying to fix a light bulb and she didn’t call the ambulance right away her sister who lives next door to her went to see her and noticed slurred speech. so she called the ambulance they flew her in the hospital she was admitted with cva left facial droop. patient lost her only son so she doesn’t like talking about it cause she starts to cry she has one granddaughter whom she is close to. son died 2021 son was an alcoholic he had liver disease end of stage cirrhosis

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