Essay 2 Prompt Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen by Jose Antonio Vargas

Jose Antonio Vargas and overcome in his Citizen AND sources of joy.

For this essay, read this doc. Write an outline of your body paragraphs before the essay’s classmate critique.

When you write your complete essay, your essay should have an introduction, multiple body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You should the middle of the paragraph, identify author and book title in intro as well as answer “What’s motivating this writer” in your introduction.
your single thesis statement.

To help your body paragraphs stay focused, write topic sentences that tell the reader what you will focus on in each body paragraph. Do not put
quotations in your topic sentences so you do not need to add citations for topic sentences. author writes…” After a signal phrase, put your evidence which should be an exact quotation or paraphrase. 2 evidence you need.) Then do the most important and should be the longest part which is explain why this evidence is important or how it supports your topic sentence.

Choose from the following questions to discuss in your body paragraphs. For whichever understands you and your ideas. could discuss.

over time?


inspiration, or sustenance?


You should summarize the main points of your body paragraphs. Finally, What? Who Cares?” in your conclusion.

This essay must have a source pages do not count toward the word count.

Below I refer to chapters in one of our Short Essays for Composition, 13th Edition Eschholz. I abbreviate this textbook’s name by writing MFW followed by chapter number. When I refer you to a chapter in MFW, you don’t have to read each article, essay, or story in the section, but you should read the first few pages that discuss the term so you can have a clear understanding of the term.

You MUST cite your source citations
Review the
try some prewriting strategies

Your essay should include multiple
“Paragraphs”) arranged in a thoughtful not random order (MFW chapter 5

You will need to describe but you may want to refamiliarize yourself with the term chapter 15).
page 271)
Don’t let
Finally, classmates or instructor (MFW chapter 1 and chapter 24). Follow

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