Expectant Professional Contributions Based on your research and Investigation, what contribution do you expect to make toward resolving the social problem?

Your final project will require you to investigate a social issue/problem (Examples: Domestic Violence, Food Insecurity, Substance Abuse, Homelessness). ( Populations) women, children, men, batterers (Intervention Programs, men, or women ), gay /lesbian populations, and the role of social workers or Domestic Violence Counselors in domestic Violence Programs ). You will fully explore this topic in your Investigation Report, the culminating assignment of this course.

Part 1: Investigation Report Prospectus Outline (1-3 pages) I. Introduction Introduce the Social Problem you are interested in researching and interview a social worker from that population. a. Population description and definitions b. Social problem defined c. Assessment issues ( what are the factors that interfere with the assessment or diagnosis of this population from both Micro (client-driven) and Marco (system-driven) perspective d. intervention challenges ( policies, funding, isms, micro /macro level etc. ) d. Evidence-based treatment /Best practices II. Agency /Social Worker Description Describe the Domestic Violence /Social Service Agency(s) and Social Worker you will utilize for your investigative report. Based on your preliminary research, discuss the role of the social worker /Domestic Violence counselor. They must have the 40-hour Domestic Violence Certification and/or 20-hour CDVP Certification. Choose four a. Overview of Agency b. Overview of the role of the social worker c. Social Work Competencies /Domestic Violence Worker Competencies III. Prior Knowledge Discuss your prior knowledge about the social problem. III. Learning Outcome Discuss what you hope to learn from your research and interview/investigation. IV. Conclusion: Expectant Professional Contributions Based on your research and Investigation, what contribution do you expect to make toward resolving the social problem?

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