Explain a meme related to an international political issue.

Students will find and assess a meme online that relates to an international political
issue OR they can create and explain a meme related to an international political
If you find a meme online, students will provide a short, separate write-up
describing and assessing the meme.
The paper should include a description and assessment of:
1) the meme – what is it/what does it reference;
2) the context – what is the background/circumstances in which the meme took

3) the agent – the actor/person/institution that created or posted/shared the meme;
4) the purpose – motive or cause behind the meme; and
5) an assessment of the effectiveness of the meme (this can be just your assessment
of whether or not it works/is effective and why).
If you are creating the meme, you need to include all the points above in your
explanation of the meme except point 3.
The paper will be a maximum of 2 pages (double-spaced). A bibliography is not
required but students should use proper citations where appropriate. The meme
selected or created should be tasteful and may be shared with the class.
A copy of the meme should be sent as a separate attachment from the paper and
does not count against the paper’s page limit.

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