Explain Female Genital Mutilation

Explain Female Genital Mutilation

PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS: 15-minutes total (Think “5, 5, &
5”)  5 minute presentation:
• REFERENCES: Each presenter must cite/refer to 1 or more peer-reviewed articles. Each presenter must cite 2 or more credible references (New York Times, CDC, UN, WHO, etc.)
• Cite all references in APA format ON EACH SLIDE (Do not include a reference page at the end).
• Practice so you can discuss the ideas you want to convey without reading word-for-word from each slide in the 5-minutes allotted.
• Each presenter should be familiar with the class text, but should not rely on it as a source of information. Remember, each student will read the text to prepare for quizzes. Therefore, locate recent, credible information that goes beyond the text.
• Consider including an original interview
 5 minute video: Carefully select an informative and interesting video or videos totaling 5 minutes.
• Visit www.youtube.com and http://video.google.com
• Choose a credible source such as 60 Minutes, CNN, National Geographic, Nova, or one that includes an expert

 5 minutes, Discussion Question: Questions/problem-solving activities that engage students. The depth and quality of your questions is important. You may construct your question in any way you see fit. (Q/A, open ended responses, matching, written) Each student is required to answer all discussion questions.
1. Use Go to 1) “Research Databases” 2) “Multi-Subject
3) choose “Ebsco” and “Proquest” 4) select “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.”
1.a.2. Consider using www.google.com (Advanced search: limit domains to .edu, .gov, or .org).
1.a.3. Cite sources APA on each slide; Use minimum size #20 font; REDUCE TEXT: Do not read
PP slides.
www.unicef.org www.cdc.gov www.who.int
www.unaids.org www.undp.org www.globalfundatm.org www.worldbank.org

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