Explain how the paper is structured, careful exposition of one or more philosophers’ arguments, an argument in favor of your thesis, and a section where you articulate and respond to objections.

Assignment Prompt:

The main purpose of a philosophy paper is to provide a novel argument in support of a novel
thesis. All papers will consist of an introduction where you present your thesis and explain how the paper is structured, careful exposition of one or more philosophers’ arguments, an argument in favor of your thesis, and a section where you articulate and respond to objections.

There are 7 documents attached and all should be used in order to help write the essay. The two readings attached are the two sources that should be used for reference of the paper. There should not be very many direct quotes from these papers, just references to the ideas they use.
The two handouts attached regarding the readings both outline general arguments and ideas present in the readings that can be used to formulate the arguments in the final paper.

The other two handouts attached outline how the philosophy paper should be written and what guidelines to follow. Please include footnotes and any other notes or references you see fit. (these two documents are very important)
The final attachment is the original short paper this longer essay should be based on. That original paper has my own personal ideas and arguments that should stand as the basis for the new final paper. On this paper, the comments highlighted in yellow are the comments given about things to improve by the professor so please take those into consideration.

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