Explain the concept of virtual water and how the amounts of water embedded in commodities varies by commodity and region of production.

To understand what virtual water is, how it is attributed in goods, and how it differs across countries.
Upon completion of these activities, students should be able to:
1. Explain the concept of virtual water and how the amounts of water embedded in commodities varies by commodity and region of production.
2. Evaluate the pros and cons of virtual water trade.
3. Demonstrate improved ability to analyze and evaluate complex quantitative information.

Step 1. Watch this 15 minute TedX talk on virtual water.
Invisible water, the hidden virtual water market | Seth Darling | TEDxNapervilleLinks to an external site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h23IHDOKhZc

Step 2. Answer the questions in this handout and submit by the deadline:
Student Handout Assignment 3.docx Download Student Handout Assignment 3.docx

Part 2
Exploring Land-Use Change with Google Earth
Navigate features of Google Earth to investigate the progression of agricultural land-use change over time
Compare and contrast different aspects of agricultural land-use change in different parts of the world.
Apply some of the concepts/results presented in lectures to new alternative scenarios
Scrutinize different types of land-use change in different parts of the world.
Explore conservation actions to counteract land-use change.
All the instructions are in the handout. You will need a desktop or laptop computer (or tablet) to complete this Assignment.
Student Handout In-Class Discussion Activity Week 4.docx Download Student Handout In-Class Discussion Activity Week 4.docx

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