Explain the major moral issues surrounding your chosen topic.

Guidelines for Position Paper
You are to write a position paper during the semester defending a position on one of the moral issues we cover this semester. See Course Schedule for exact due date.
Length: approximately 4-6 pages double spaced
Specific Instructions:
Choose any moral issue and write a position paper on the issue. Your paper should cover the following:
1. Explain the major moral issues surrounding your chosen topic. Obviously you do not have to discuss every moral issue surrounding your topic, but you should address the crucial issues.
It would be hard to discuss abortion, for example, without discussing the issue of the personhood of the fetus.

( the articles deal with those major issues; you can also look at the section in each chapter entitled “Moral Issues”) Approximately 1 page
2. Clearly state your position (I realize that many of us are still working through these moral issues, but choose a position and defend it. It will help you think through the issue, even if you later change your mind), ½ page
3. Provide some reasons to think your position is correct. This is the most important element. You are trying to convince me that your position is right. Approximately 2 ½ pages.
4. Anticipate objections to your reasons and address them. Approximately 1 page

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