Explain the principle of sufficient reason and the three modes of reality/being.

DIRECTIONS: Write an essay answer for each of the following three questions. In composing your answers, you may use your copies of Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, by Descartes, the Princess Elisabeth handout
Be as thorough as you can in your answers!!!

Explain the principle of sufficient reason and the three modes of reality/being. Explain how Descartes uses these concepts to prove God’s existence in Meditation Three. (Hint: ex nihilo, nihil fit….) (10 points)
In Meditation Two, how does Descartes arrive at his certainty that he exists as a res cogitans? (5 points)
Explain Princess Elisabeth’s objection to Descartes’ substance dualism in as much detail as you can. (5 points)
Please be as thorough as possible.

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