Explain what type of method you will be using for gathering participants and why (e.g. simple-random, cluster, convenience, etc.).

Explain what type of method you will be using for gathering participants and why (e.g. simple-random, cluster, convenience, etc.).
Discuss any inclusion or exclusion criteria- who shouldn’t be allowed to participate?
Describe which type of experimental design you would use for your experiment and why (e.g. cross-sectional design, longitudinal design, pretest-posttest, survey, etc.)
Operationally define your variables and explain what will you use to measure them
Describe your materials. If you are using a survey, what are some things you might be looking for? If you are using an observation technique, where will the observation take place and who will be the observers?

Describe any possible threats to internal validity or biases specific to your study that may influence your results (e.g. maturation, attrition, regression towards the mean, etc.).

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