Explain where in the life cycle this family is located and how that may influence family dynamics.

Consider a family system in a holistic manner.
You can use the same family system as in the Discussion. However, in the Discussion you focused on a specific set of challenges. In this Assignment, think about all other aspects of the Family system.

Support your analysis by using the Kirst-Ashman and Hull text to do the following:
• Describe the structure of a family.
• Identify the strengths in the family.
• Explain where in the life cycle this family is located and how that may influence family dynamics.
• Describe the specific roles of two family members, and explain if the various roles work well together for the benefit of this family.
• Explain how understanding the family’s challenges will help a social worker working with this family.
• Analyze this family using systems theory or the ecological perspective.
Support your paper with examples from the Kirst-Ashman and Hull text, in addition to other resources used to complete this Assignment. You are expected to demonstrate your understanding and ability to apply concepts from the course by paraphrasing resources and providing specific examples of how a concept is evident in the family system you identified for this.

Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr.
(2018). Empowerment series: Understanding generalist practice (8th ed.). CENGAGE Learning.
• Chapter 9, “Understanding Families:
Family Assessment” (pp. 349-381)
• Chapter 10, “Working With Families” (pp. 382-418)
• Samudio, M. (2015, Winter). Doing family. therapy as a new social worker: The Do’s and don’ts. * The New Social Worker, 22(1), 6-7.
• Walden University Writing Center. (2020).
Walden templates: General templates:
Course paper. G
• Walden University Library. (2020).
Evaluating resources: Peer review. G
• Walden University Library. (2020).
Searching and finding information in the library databases: Overview. G

Walden University Writing Center. (2020).
Writing Center module: Basic citation
frequency. & Interactive medial.

• Walden University Library.
(n.d.). Evaluating types of resources E [Interactive medial. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from

• Walden University Writing Center. (2020).
Using evidence: Overview & (Multimedia].

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