Explain which specific databases you used in your research and which were the least or most helpful.

You will write a 3 page reflection on a paper I will provide. Part one needs to be 2 pages, whiles part 2 needs to be a page. No citation or title page

These are the questions:
Questions/Objectives for each part:
Part One
• State your research question and explain why you chose this question.
• Explain in detail your search strategy to find sources.
• Identify keywords, synonyms, and related terms used during your research.
• Explain which specific databases you used in your research and which were the least or most helpful.
• Explain the critical reasoning you conducted, or the thought process behind, your top choices for sources.

Part Two
• Return to the questions from Part One and elaborate further on any progress you have made.
• Explain how the drafting and revision portions of research aided your writing.
• If applicable, explain any struggles (e.g. procrastination) you had to overcome to be successful in the research and writing process.
• What was the most interesting thing you learned about research during this process? Why?
• What part of the research process impacted your work the most?
• Do you have any suggestions for conducting the course differently in the future with regards to the research process?

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