Explain your evidence in relation to your paragraph’s idea in your own words.

Five scholarly sources dated within 5 years must be used in this paper. I have attached the main research study article I selected along with a detailed rubric for this paper.

The paper must be a minimum of 6.5 pages and a maximum of 7 pages, excluding the title and reference page. The paper begins by explaining the research design used in my research article selected. I selected this article and study based on my original Picot question, which is also included in the attachments. The exact subheadings listed in the rubric must be included in the research paper along with in-text citations when appropriate. Each paragraph should be in MEAL format, containing no more than 4/5 sentences. Ex. please Use MEAL plan to write your paragraphs
1st sentence- M: Main idea- one central main idea or topic that the paragraph addresses
2nd sentence-E: Evidence: Use Evidence to support your main idea- please No quotes, only paraphrase.
3 (+) sentence- A: Analysis: Explain your evidence in relation to your paragraph’s idea in your own words
4th or 5th sentence-L: Lead out sentence: Sentence that concludes your paragraph and/or sentence that leads out to the next idea in the next paragraph.

Please contact me if you have further questions.

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