Explain what you have learned through research and analysis of the identified Discourse Community.

2 – Rhetorical Analysis of a Discourse Community
Assignment Goal: Students will share findings of an analysis
of a precise community within their discipline/interest, considering audience,
rhetorical conventions, critical thinking, and analytical skill. * Students
will analyze and articulate disciplinary-specific conventions.
Topic and Explanation of Assignment:
For Project Two, you will identify a
particular Discourse Community that you are either
now a part of or that you
will be a part of in your future academic pursuits.
Once you have identified this community,
you will research various forms of discourse
and communication shared by this
particular community. You may draw upon research
completed for Project One,
and/or expand upon that research by finding new sources of
information to
further your exploration and knowledge of the community.
Once these materials have been identified
and developed, you will apply points of
analysis to develop a new understanding
and critique of the community.
Look specifically at the language
the community uses, including special phrases
common on the site and any other
aspects of the language on the site that may be interesting.
Explore the language/knowledge
expectations on the site. How do they expect you to
post? What do they expect
you to know?
Make a claim about the discourse community
and support that claim with evidence gathered through observations.
Finally, you will reflect on the skills
and knowledge you developed through completion of
the assignment.
You should consider your classmates and instructor to
be your academic audience. Write on a scholastic, professional level. Assume
that you are sharing your analysis with potential members of your discourse
community as well as people outside of that community who do not have any
specialized knowledge or understanding of your group.
Assignment Requirements:

Length of Assignment: a minimum of 1200
words; maximum of 1300 words.
Format: Apply MLA formatting requirements
to set up the page and to cite sources.
Research: Your analysis should utilize
three sources minimum and five maximum.
Weight/Percentage: The Analysis will be
20% of your overall course grade.
Sample Outline by Essay Section:
1. Introduction
a. Definition
of the Discourse Community
b. Thesis
2. Analysis
Point One: Members and Shared Goals of the Group
a. Identify
the criteria being analyzed
b. Give
precise examples of that criteria from the research
3. Analysis
Point Two: Mechanisms and Means for Providing Information/Feedback
a. Identify
the second point of analysis
b. Provide
examples from research
4. Analysis
Point Three: Language/Shared Lexicon of the Group
a. Identify
the third point of analysis
b. Examples
from research
5. Outcome
of Analysis
a. Explain
what you have learned through research and analysis of the identified Discourse
Community. Support the claims developed about the community.
b. Outline
Benefits and Possible Conflicts within the Community
6. Conclusion
a. Final
Thoughts and Wrap-Up

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