Financial Plan: A complete set of forecasts including a Profit & Loss Statement, and Balance Sheet for first 3 years of business.

Title Page: Title of Plan with logo, name of organization and contact information e.g., address, email and phone #.
Table of contents. Table of contents with page #.
Executive Summary: A quick overview of your plan and entices investors to read more of your plan.
Company Vision and Mission Statement: Vision is a short statement, carefully constructed which tells outside agencies what you really, really, really want to be and Mission statements are what the term implies – a statement about the reason for your (please see document “strategic planning for dummies”).
Values: using written words to express those beliefs which you expect members of your organization and the organization as a whole to uphold.
SWOT Analysis: a 360-degree scan, a reconnaissance, a bit of a sticky beak at what’s going on. They all involve appraising the status quo as a predicate to determining planning goals and setting developmental priorities.
Major Goals – Strategy and Implementation: Major goals and strategies are broad overarching aspirations that should be consistent with your vision and mission statements.
Financial Plan: A complete set of forecasts including a Profit & Loss Statement, and Balance Sheet for first 3 years of business.
Evaluation-Key Performance Indicators (SMART KPIs): a strategic plan needs to describe how evaluation will be completed. key performance indicators that are M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely, making the vision more concrete by defining how success is measured.

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