For this assignment, you will write an outline, rough draft, and Works Cited page for your research paper.

For this assignment, you will write an outline, rough draft, and Works Cited page for your research
paper. Your sources should come from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.

Please add on to what you have already written.

Nursing Shortage

Workplace problems directly impact the well-being of nursing
staff and patient
experiences and exert pressure on the organization in
numerous ways. The nursing shortage is an
example of such an issue and also acts as a barrier to care
delivery. The nursing practice plays a
fundamental role in ensuring that society is comprised of
healthy people and that resources are
readily available. However, inadequate nursing staff is a
rampant issue facing the entire global
health system. In the United States, the discrepancies in
the supply of workforce in healthcare
have a shortage of about 3 million qualified individuals,
which is projected to hit a 12.9 million
shortage of midwives and nurses by 2035 (Tamata &
Mohammadnezhad, 2023). This essay aims
to explore the nursing shortage and its implications for
patients’ experiences and care outcomes.
While health organizations and lawmakers have adopted
interventions for optimizing patient
experiences, persistent nursing shortage negates these gains
due to high mortality rates, medical
errors, length of stay, and wait times.
Care providers and organizations faced with this problem are
forced to compromise
quality patient care outcomes, which could potentially
result in adverse problems and poor
patient care outcomes. The American Nurses Association (ANA)
reported that 2022 had a
significant gap in the supply of registered nurses than any
other profession in the U.S. job market
(Haddad et al., 2023). Studies emphasize the need for
balancing staffing ratios to ensure that the
issue does not impact nursing staff and the working environment.
Healthcare organizations with
inadequate nursing staff expose patients to harmful
experiences and dangers, including mortality
rates, medical errors, length of stay, and other issues that
decrease the quality of life of patients.
Given the complexity of the health system and the growing
complex needs of the diverse
population, an adequate workforce in nursing practice is
essential to bolster care delivery,

medical coverage, and quality patient outcomes (Tamata
& Mohammadnezhad, 2023). Thus,
answering the research question might help find ways to
address the gaps in the supply of
qualified healthcare staff.

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