For this discussion, locate a current article on investing. After reviewing an article, you will summarize the main idea of your article of at least 150-200 words.


In chapter 14, we discuss investing fundamentals. We learn in this chapter the different types of investments available and a basic introduction. Trying to select an appropriate investment to meet your different financial goals can be overwhelming.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Read Chapter 14
Locate an article based on the following guidelines
Article must be current—within approximately one month of due date.
Article must be relevant—should not be about music group, sports team, entertainment, etc.
Article must be from appropriate source—NOT Wikipedia!
Share Your Thoughts

Original posts should be completed 4 days before the close of the discussion board.

Go to Unit 6 Discussion Forum. For this discussion, locate a current article on investing. After reviewing an article, you will summarize the main idea of your article of at least 150-200 words. Think about your own opinion or reaction to the topic presented in the article. Discuss the perceived pros and cons. Be sure to include a link to your article.

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