formal APA research paper on food insecurity/solutions-,- examines the problem of food insecurity in the United States and then explains one reasonable solution.

Through research, examines the problem of food insecurity in the United States and then explains one reasonable solution.
5-6 pages, which means 5 full pages onto a 6th, double spaced throughout; will include formal APA title and reference pages but THESE DO NOT COUNT TOWARD

THE 5 FULL PAGE MINIMUM. Formatting counts.
Required sources include correctly cited, clear and specific references to A Place at the Table OR Increase in Washington College Students Dealing with Food Insecurity; AND Heartland Local Foods OR How this Indigenous Farmer is Solving Food Insecurity OR Eating Trash; additionally, you are required to use 1 of the 3 sources from general assignments 2 and 3 above and all 4 of the sources from the annotated bibliography, for a total of a minimum of 7 required sources; you may have 2 additional extra sources for a maximum of 9 total sources for the paper; the additional sources can come from a search engine such as Google if you wish; they can be video coverage or text articles, just keep in mind it is your responsibility to cite them correctly. use APA in text citations to seamlessly and grammatically integrate direct quotations from all text sources and specific and meaningful references from all video sources to develop the paper.

NO FIRST PERSON. This is about the research and your ability to compose a paper using that research; this isn’t about your experience or opinion.
This assignment meets the following English 101 Course Learning Outcomes:
CLO 2: Practice Critical Reading Skills: Practice critical reading strategies to examine and understand various texts, including academic assignments.
CLO 3: Writing Processes: Practice process writing and revision to focus on clarity, voice, creative experimentation, and rhetorical choices.
CLO 4: Collection, Evaluation and Application: Practice collection, evaluation, synthesis, and application of research from diverse media sources to convey meaning to intended audiences.
From Markets to Tech: Governmental Initiatives, Solutions, and Responses to Food Insecurity.
Cometti, M., Fredette, D., Panek, A. E., & Radley, M. (2019). From Markets to Tech: Governmental Initiatives, Solutions, and Responses to Food Insecurity. Journal of Public Affairs (14723891), 19(3), N.PAG.
Tackling Food Insecurity: The Challenge and Call to Action
Yellen, J., Tackling Food Insecurity: The Challenge and Call to Action (2022). U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Food Insecurity in America: A Call to Action
Weill, J. (2012). Food Insecurity in America: A Call to Action. Journal of Applied Research on Children, 3(1)
Food insecurity and time use in elderly vs. non‐elderly: An exploratory analysis
Berning, J., Cleary, R., & Bonanno, A. (2023). Food insecurity and time use in elderly vs. non‐elderly: An exploratory analysis. Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, 45(1), 280–299.

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