Given what you have learned about the profession and your reflection on yourself, what is your self-appraisal of how good of a match you are for this profession and for the academic and experiential tasks ahead of you in your MSW program?

Major Assignment 1, Paper: Developing the Professional Self
In order to understand what it means to be a professional social worker, this first assignment will ask you to complete particular tasks and reflect upon them, as a first step toward self-understanding and the development of the professional self.
This assignment will be split into three major parts:
I. What I am learning about the profession of social work
II. What I am learning about myself as a future member of this profession
III. A beginning synthesis of the fit between the profession and yourself
Part I: Explore the websites related to social work, the mission statements of the governing bodies of the social work profession. For this assignment students must have completed the reading of all sections of Chapters 1-3 in the Cournoyer text. Please complete Chapter 1 summary exercise (#1) and complete your reaction to items a. b & c in paragraph form. You should conclude this section with a paragraph about what it means to you to be moving into this profession.
Part II: Complete a personal genogram, ecomap and critical events timeline. Use these tools to reflect on who you are, what has contributed to your desire to become a social worker and how your history and network will have an influence on your journey into the profession. Later in class you will use these tools with your client, but first you will explore yourself. The genogram, ecomap and critical events timeline will be turned in as part of this assignment).
Part III: Synthesis. Given what you have learned about the profession and your reflection on yourself, what is your self-appraisal of how good of a match you are for this profession and for the academic and experiential tasks ahead of you in your MSW program. 2-3 paragraphs is fine here.
The written assignment, which will be graded, should be five (5) double-spaced pages (excluding the title page and the genogram and ecomap). All papers should be typed in APA format. The primary purpose of the assignment is for students to consider their own experiences and how these may affect them as they prepare for a career in social work.
Please be assured that it is understood that the material in this paper may be very sensitive. The content of all papers will be kept confidential; please don’t think that you need to share every significant experience.


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