Hildegard Peplau: Theory of Interpersonal Relationships.

The student will select a nursing theorist whose theory (model, framework, philosophy, mid-range theory) he/she finds appealing and with whom he/she can relate any apply to clinical practice.
Each student is required to conduct a thorough literature search to obtain material related to the theorist and the model. The search should include research conducted using the theory or model, with clinical examples.

The project includes a five-page paper that summarizes the application and overall impact of the selected theorist. The paper should have a minimum of 7-10 references that include primary sources by the
theorist, a secondary source written about the theorist and 2-3 articles that represent research studies based on the theorist work.
Grading of the presentation of the theory/conceptual model
will be based on the following scale:
Demonstrated understanding of the theorists 30 points
Organization and clarity of the presentation 20 points
Comprehensiveness of the presentation including Summary paper on 30 points
the selected Theorist Compilation of packet of posted materials 10 points

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