How does UNHCR frame the problem of justice in climate migration?

That’s the question: How does UNHCR frame the problem of justice in climate migration?

The aim of this assignment is to show us how you produced your discourse analysis dossier.

You can view the discourse dossier as a step-by-step textual explanation of your discourse analysis process based on the strategies explained in the lectures, descriptions of approaches to analysis in the readings and our tutorial discussions.

Your Discourse Analysis Dossier consists of the following elements, which you will have completed over the last several weeks:

1-2 page (max) outline of your corpus framework, including: an introduction to your environmental issue with an indication of the parameters of your discourse analysis; a research question(s); and a list of your corpus materials explaining your rationale for choosing said items.
1 page word reflection on your research process based on your research journal: The idea here is to inform us of the steps you took (and did not take) during the selection and analysis of your corpus materials. It is an explanation of your choices, thinking, feedback responses, discoveries and the limitations you encountered. It should help us understand why you did the discourse analysis the way you did. For the 1-page reflection, you could also opt to review your methodological choices at each step in the process from week to week and reflect on how your choices have contributed to your final analysis and conclusions. You should use your ‘research journal’ as reference for this task, but the journal itself should not be submitted with your dossier.
Textual collection of your corpus for coding: Include the whole text and highlight the specific parts of the texts (excerpts) that were coded for the discourse analysis. You MUST show how your codes are directly linked to the specific parts of the corpus texts under analysis.
Code-tree diagram: It should show how your coding, categories, and concepts/key assertion/theme are visually organised. It may be helpful for you to provide a short explanation (500 words max) of your coding strategy based on your research interests/corpus materials or the definitions of your codes and categories.
500 word Metasummary: Here you could reflect on the tentative answers to your study research questions. Please show us how you generate this summary. You may do so by including analytic memos generated from your corpus materials. To create such a summary you may use a code chart that shows the memos and main codes or categories of each corpus item. In this way, the 500 words written acts as a metasummary (a summary at a higher level of abstraction) of your individual research memos.

In preparing this dossier, you may make changes to your previously completed homework assignments based on feedback and revisions you have made.

Grading: This assessment will be graded on a 10-point scale based on the 4 parts below. See the course RUBRIC below. Criteria will include demonstration of your knowledge about and implementation of discourse analysis, based on readings and lectures given throughout this course.

We expect the discourse analysis dossier to systematically show and explain 4 key things :

How you defined the scope of the study and why you selected specific texts for the discourse analysis. [1-2page outline of corpus framework]
How you were thinking and responding to various steps you learned and took in the research process. These steps may include (but are not restricted to) selecting materials, crafting a research question, discussing your research questions with your peers, coding and analysing your codes. Give us details of your process and the thinking behind it.
How you coded selected excerpts of your data and how you visually represented this coding process connecting codes to categories or concepts and maybe even the theme.
How you produced a summary of your work. We want to see how you synthesize the whole process, the specific findings and the various limitations of your study. In your synthesis, are you able to outline the implications of your findings for the theme you selected? Put differently, in spite of the limitations of your study what do your findings have to say about justice/markets/conservation?

Please submit your paper electronically via the Student Portal.
We accept PDF, Word (.doc, .docx) and OpenOffice (.odt) files.
Your paper must include a cover page (see the Global Studies paper template).
If you are unable to submit your paper via the Student Portal due to unforeseen circumstances, send your paper by email to the Track Coordinator or phone Student Affairs as soon as possible — acceptance of your paper is subject to a good-faith effort on your part to submit in a timely manner
AI generated text used to answer exam questions/assignments can be seen as commissioned work that represents plagiarism and fraud and will be sanctioned under the FaSoS Rules and Regulations.

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