How is risk shared in value-based payment strategies?

There is a Part I (A and B) and a Part II. Please use headings in your response.
Part I: Respond to both parts A and B below:
For part A:
For full points include at least one example (one that is not included in the text).
Do your best to put the content in your own words. Imagine you are talking to your best friend.
A. Respond to one of the following questions: Be sure to include examples too! Let us know which question it is you are responding to.
1. How is risk shared in value-based payment strategies?
2. What is the difference between upside and downside risk in value-based payments? (What are those anyway?) Would either of these be more advantageous to build into a payment strategy for your own program?
3. How does emphasizing preventative care reinforce the goals of value-based care?
4. Value-based care payment arrangements are considered to be more financially sustainable compared to FFS for healthcare organizations. It seems to me that the payor benefits the most from the cost savings, so how does alternative payment strategies benefit the organization itself?
5. Ch 8 gets the award for the most acronyms ever, and they can make a person’s head spin. What in the world is a patient-centered medical home (PCMH)? How are these different from ACOs? What three components are payments based on (hint three-part model p. 146)? Why is this payment approach more tailored towards, and appropriate for, PCMHs?
B. ACOs in your Community: ACOs are abstract for most students, so you will explore ACOs in your own community to make this more concrete and hopefully firm up your understanding!
Search your local community and identify an existing ACO. If there isn’t one–broaden your search to a larger nearby community. (For example I live in Central MN, and I used ACOs in central MN for a search term). In your Discussion response:
Identify the organization and location (include the State).
Describe the participants and participants groups who make up the ACO. What is the “reach” of the ACO? (in your own words please–as if you are talking to your best friend).
Look at the ACO’s Quality Performance results either on the ACOs website, or go to the CMS web interface. What quality metrics stand out to you?
In examining this ACO, how does it’s structure and function reinforce and enhance what we learn about ACOs in the text? Or are ACOs still hard for you to wrap your brain around?
Part II:
Ask the group a question related to the material we are covering this week: Is there one concept or topic that grabs your attention? What question could you ask to explore a concept from a more “critical” perspective–to dig deeper?
be sure to in-text cite too when needed, OK?

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