How is the structure of the song similar or different from the structure of The Grapes of Wrath?

Structuralist Analysis of “The Ghost of Tom Joad” discussion
Using the terms in the Structuralism Handout to describe and analyze the song, respond to the following questions:
How does the structure of the song contribute to its meaning? Or, why does it matter that it is structured the way it is? What does that do for the listener? What examples of repetition, rhyme, contrast, or stanza structure can you identify? What impact do they have on the reader? For example, if a word is REPEATED, why? How is the structure of the song similar or different from the structure of The Grapes of Wrath? How does this effect the experience of the reader/listener?
Discussion Forum Guidelines–
1. Respond to one discussion question fully and write one page for full credit (300-400 words).
Remember that you should demonstrate a thorough reading of the text material by representing its points accurately and comprehensively, cite the text, demonstrate a thoughtful reflection of and/or reaction to the text material, and focus on text-based reactions by developing additional reactionary points, explaining those points, and adding questions, suggestions, and/or additional citations (all guidelines taken from the discussion rubric).

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