How might the article be applied to public policy or every day life?

For this assignment, you will provide a short article summary (1 to 3 paragraphs) over the topic of your choice. You may not understand everything in the article, but that’s okay.
1. What topic is the article looking at?
2. What kind of data/evidence does the article present?
3. What is the author’s conclusion regarding the topic?
4. How might the article be applied to public policy or every day life?
To find an article, you may use to search for an article on a topic of interest to you. (If you can’t find anything or are unsure what’s appropriate, you may use the following article to an external site.) Most of the information you will need will be provided in the abstract of the article, but please don’t feel like you have to stop there. The data and models sections might be kind of difficult, but the background and conclusion sections should be fairly approachable.
Finally, please make sure that you cite the article using APA format so that I can find it and you will be required to upload your article in either .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word Document). If you do not have word on your computer, there is a link on the Canvas side navigation pane to “Office 365”, which gives you access to Word.

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