How would you engage the client in both the identification of such treatment goals (complete an action plan) and the complete the action steps needed to fulfill the treatment goals.

format assignmentmust follow

Part II: Assessment and Case Formulation (this is the assessment of the case which includes explanatory and change-oriented hypotheses)
Focal Issues

Nature, duration frequency, severity, and urgency
Risk and protective factors; exceptions
Contributing Factors
Client system factors
Situational, environmental, and systemic factors (in addition to prose, please include one relevant diagrams—genogram, culturagram, ecomap, spiritual ecomap, personal timeline)
Motivation and readiness, stage of change

Case Formulation (requires synthesis of information, proposes change-oriented hypotheses—often targets factors both within the client system and outside the client system (e.g., social and physical environment)
Include two specific service goals based on a mutually agreed focus of work (the information identified in the assessment process)

How would you engage the client in both the identification of such treatment goals (complete an action plan) and the complete the action steps needed to fulfill the treatment goals.

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