How you can exercise the profession of journalism (do you need to be licensed?)?

For the research paper you will choose one country of the world and analyze the rapport between the media and government in that country. You should concentrate on the present time, but you can also dedicate no more than 1/3 of the paper to the situation of the past and history of the country.
You should analyze the media in the country: Who owns it (state vs private)? How you can exercise the profession of journalism (do you need to be licensed?)? How many media people have been arrested or killed in the last years? What percentage of people in the country have access to the internet? What percentage of journalists in that country are women?
You should use these three main websites, but you are not limited to these websites:
Reporters Without Borders (check the map for the freedom of the press)
Committee to Protect Journalists
Freedom House
You should make a prediction about the future based on your research. What will the situation for freedom of the press and democracy in that country be in 5 years? And in twenty years?
Add to the paper any other considerations you think are relevant to better understand the importance of freedom of the press not only for political development, but also for a better economy and improvement in social issues.

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