Identify a child in a primary grade who has a challenging behavior.

Chapter 18 in the Allen & Cowdery textbook (2022) presents common challenging behaviors such as oppositional behavior, aggression, attention-getting, withdrawal, separation issues, and overdependence (to name a few). In this assignment, you will use the steps of Allen & Cowdery’s functional behavior assessment (pp. 529–532) to develop an intervention for a young child who exhibits challenging behavior.

Complete the following steps:

Identify a child in a primary grade who has a challenging behavior.
Summarize interviews with the selected child’s parent or guardian and teacher.
Interview the child’s parent or guardian focusing on the child’s behavior at home.

Consider diverse needs presented by the parent or guardian and make accommodations as needed. For example, if English is not their primary language, you might want to get an interpreter to help with the interview.
Describe any accommodations you made to meet the parent or guardian’s diverse needs.
Interview the child’s teacher focusing on the child’s behavior at school.
Apply an appropriate method of data collection during observation of the selected child.
Evaluate the types of data collection presented in your Allen & Cowdery textbook (2022, pgs. 533–536).
Select a type and method appropriate to the child’s challenging behavior.
Explain why your selection is an appropriate match for the child’s behavior.
Include the data collected in your assignment.
Analyze information from the interviews and data collection to determine the following:
The objective of the intervention.
The function of the challenging behavior.
A replacement behavior.
Design an intervention to achieve the stated objective including:
Meaningful activities for both the classroom and home environments.
Frequent reinforcement.
A predictable schedule.
A monitoring plan.
Discuss how this plan aligns with Thomas and Chess’s concept of “goodness of fit” as presented in your textbook.
Create a type of communication for the child’s parent or guardian and teacher including:
The results of your analysis.
Your suggested intervention plan.
Note: Since the child’s parent or guardian is part of the audience for this communication, take care to present your findings empathetically and clearly define any terms with which they may not be familiar.

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