Identify and critically discuss the challenges challenge and barriers that can prevent access to treatment and successful treatment outcomes.

JANE IS 33 YEARS OILD BANKER FROM YORK.JANE IS GOING THROUGH A DIVORCE AND IS NOT COPING SO SHE STARTS TO DRINK ALCOHOL. SHE STATED THAT SHE FEELS DEPRESSED ALL THE TIME AND FINDS IT VERY HARD TO MOTIVATE HERSELF. JANE EXPRESS THAT SHE WANTS YOU TO SUPPORT HER IN BECOMING ABSTINENT . JANE IS ALSO USING 20MG OF FLUOXETINE. 1)Critical analyse the epidemiology theories of dual diagnosis and apply them to the case(direction of causality, common risk factors theory) 2)identify and discuss appropriate and strategic to assess substance use,needs and risks of the client 3)recognised and evaluate areas of risk for client and evidence base strategic to minimise them 4)provide a rational for a chosen model of intervention and make evidence recommendations for care plan with regards to national health policy guidelines 5) identify and critically discuss the challenges challenge and barriers that can prevent access to treatment and successful treatment outcomes.

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