Identify and describe three or more tasks, along with proposed dates of completion for each task, that you plan to complete as a result of your proposed program.

Topic: Transitioning to cloud-based software (e.g. electronic medical/health records in hospitals; scheduling software/apps; productivity; data analytics; backup/recovery)

Applying the techniques we have covered in this learning module and utilizing the proposal template (see template link under “Formatting Requirements” heading below), you will compose a brief internal proposal that describes your scenario (i.e. problem/opportunity) and deliverable. In addition to creating a reasonable real-world context for your proposal, you will conduct preliminary research to learn more about your deliverable and integrate your findings throughout your proposal.
Your proposal must include the following sections:
Date: Month day, year
To: Recipient’s (Your supervisor) first and last name, title/position, company name***
From: Your first and last name, title/position, company name***
Subject: Proposal for [include deliverable]
*** For the recipient’s name and company name, you may use aliases if you do not feel comfortable disclosing this information. If you are writing your proposal (and subsequent writing assignments) for a company/organization for which you are currently not employed (i.e. a company/organization you wish to work for in the future), try searching the company’s website and/or LinkedIn page to find the names of individuals who are in supervisory positions. Alternatively, you may use aliases. As with all writing assignments and discussions, you must use your first and last name.
In two fully developed paragraphs, your introduction must answer the following questions: What is the scenario (problem or opportunity)? What is the purpose of the proposal? What are your qualifications/expertise in relation to your proposed suggestions/deliverable? What are your sources of information? Include APA-style parenthetical citations when integrating evidence from your preliminary research about your topic.
Proposed Tasks and Schedule
Identify and describe three or more tasks, along with proposed dates of completion for each task, that you plan to complete as a result of your proposed program. Compose one complete paragraph for each task; that is, a total of three paragraphs. Include APA-style parenthetical citations when integrating evidence from your preliminary research about your topic.

Create a table to show the breakdown of each item in the budget and a total. See the following step-by-step tutorials:
Google Support. (2020). Add and edit tables in Google Docs. Retrieved from
Microsoft Office Support and Training. (2019). Insert a table. Retrieved from
You must cite at least one credible source in your proposal. Include a list of References in APA style of documentation. See Course Content > Learning Module: Documenting Sources/APA Style Requirements.

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