Identify and provide an example of the ideal customer or client that this particular fad diet might benefit.

Fad Diet Analysis
It is difficult to talk about food, nutrition, and health without talking about “fad diets” or trendy “of the moment” approaches to eating and losing weight that typically require the elimination of certain foods from your diet. While most of these fad diets tend to carry a negative connotation, it’s helpful to look at them with an analytical eye and see what their benefits or flaws might be—which is exactly what you will do for this activity!
Start by examining various fad diets that became popular sometime in the past 10 years and select 3 specific fad diets to focus on for this activity.
Research these three fad diets, specifically looking for and recording the pros and cons of each one, including the basic defining factors of each.
Then, take your research and decide how you will display your findings in a creative and informative manner—a chart, a slideshow presentation, an essay-style document—the choice is yours.
Regardless of how you choose to display your research and information, you need to make sure that you clearly do the following for EACH fad diet:
Describe and explain the basic parameters and idea behind each fad diet
Identify and evaluate the health implications of each fad diet
Clearly identify the pros and cons of each fad diet
Identify and provide an example of the ideal customer or client that this particular fad diet might benefit
Identify who would NOT be a good candidate for this fad diet and why
Describe how this fad diet could be accommodated in a restaurant setting
Please include a list of resources and websites that you used in your research and refer to the rubric below for more information on how you will be graded.

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