Identify, discuss, and detail the parts of the scientific method used in the background material.

The laboratory series is the foundational assignment group for developing student abilities to implement the scientific method and apply data analysis skills. In this course, the first exercise is demonstrative, the second teachable, and the third inquiry-based, which is hypothesis-driven and focuses on methods to address the research question. For this first lab, we will read an article in class (it is preferred you read it BEFORE class, but I am a realist) to be able to find the answers to several questions about the particular study. We do this because it is important for you to learn how to find information in academic journal articles and to become more comfortable with some of the terminology used – knowing what to look for in these articles, which often have very dense language.

Lab 1: Students are introduced to the broader research area through background material based on the thematic research project for the class. Students will identify, discuss, and detail the parts of the scientific method used in the background material. Students will also identify what types of data and data analysis are needed to address research questions relevant to the laboratory theme. Students can explore side questions related to main research area by generating questions that relate to underexplored variables in the dataset.

DSL 200.2 and DSL 200.4
This article is about a study involving meerkats. If you have ever seen the old Animal Planet show Meerkat Manor, you will already be familiar with some of these behaviors. Animal observation studies of captive populations often are similar to the wild, as they will often have similar behaviors, even if less frequent for some things, like foraging for food or battling rival groups.

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