Identify the nature and key components of financial systems domestically and globally to apply in diverse contexts.


The assessment will involve a case study pertaining to different financial markets and instruments. Students will be required to prepare a comprehensive Investment Strategy Research Report for the client.

Final assessment:
Learning Outcomes

The targeted Course Learning Outcomes for this assessment are:

CLO1: Identify the nature and key components of financial systems domestically and globally to apply in diverse contexts.
CLO2: Identify the nature, role and determinants of the structure and level of interest rates in economics and financial contexts.
CLO3: Analyse the characteristics and functions of the main financial intermediaries and the role of regulatory bodies in financial systems in a global context.
CLO5: Explore the main features and theorems of capital markets, institutions and securities including debt securities, equity and derivative products.
Assessment details

The assessment is a scenario-based research analysis report. You are required to conduct independent research and write a 3000 words (-/+10%) report.
This assessment includes all the content covered in Topics 1 to 10.
The assessment is worth a total of 50 marks and accounts for 50% of the total grade for this course.

The report must be presented in standard report structure.
The report must be submitted in Microsoft Word document.
Guidelines for text formatting:
Font style: Arial
Font size: 12 (14 for headings)
Spacing: 1.5 line spacing
Page No: Page x
Assessment Criteria

This assessment will be marked based on the assessment rubric below.


If you have any questions, check the discussion board or alternative video to see if they have already been answered. If not post your question or alternatively ask your teacher in your workshops.

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