Identify three specific areas of etiquette you need to improve and describe specific steps for or examples of improvement in each area.

Steps to complete assignment:
Download the excel spreadsheet “Budget and Etiquette Download Budget and Etiquette”
Complete the questions and respond to the prompts in the spreadsheet
Submit the assignment in Canvas
Questions and prompts in the spreadsheet “Budget and Etiquette Download Budget and Etiquette”:

Research the appropriate attire for your target career and basic wardrobe requirements. Assume you are limited to a $125 budget. Make a list of items you already have and items you need to get you through your first week of work. Include the cost. How will this information impact affect your personal budget and life plan?
Identify three specific areas of etiquette you need to improve and describe specific steps for or examples of improvement in each area.
Assignment from Professionalism: Skills for Workplace Success (Anderson & Bolt, 2016).


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