INFOGRAPHIC – Vulnerable Populations of Violence & Abuse Infographic (or PowerPoint Poster) Tools Assignment.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or need it to be ordered a different way as there wasn’t really an option for an infographic. I don’t really need any writing other than the infographic itself and the sources, but I wasn’t sure how to order it. I need two separate Infographs, one for each vulnerable population.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Facts about Suicide. 2021. Links to an external site.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Dating Matters Initiative, 2018. Links to an external site.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS): Healthy People 2030: Objectives. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, USDHHS. Links to an external site.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Intimate Partner Violence, Elder Abuse, and Abuse of Vulnerable Adults (U.S. Preventative Services Task Force Recommendation Statement). 2018

Links to an external site.


Choose 2 vulnerable populations from this week’s readings in your text (and/or the online resources provided). (chapter is about victims of violence and abuse: guns, school violence, intimate partner violence, elder abuse, child abuse, abuse of the disabled person, human trafficking). Research these topics to gain a general understanding. Then create an INFOGRAPHIC tool (or PowerPoint Poster) for both topics (You will have 2 separate infographs to submit) that can be posted at your local hospital, schools, community center, police station, etc. Please use color and design to make your infographs eye-catching.

Provide general information on your chosen topics (background, significance, prevalence, and risk factors).
Provide community (and governmental) information and support that is available for these chosen populations.
Include information from the Healthy People 2030 site as one of your chosen resources.
Discuss nursing implications for these chosen populations. Make sure to concentrate specifically on how the community health nurse should be involved. How can the nurse support the individual and family involved?
Discuss the future risks for these chosen vulnerable populations.

Use at least 4 scholarly sources (one can be your textbook and one MUST be the Healthy People 2030 initiatives). Use color and design to make your infograph eye-catching and engaging. Look at this project as “real” and something that could potentially be used in your community. I encourage you to make this relevant and believe in your abilities to positively affect change in your own community. Remember, you must submit 2 infographic tools for this assignment.

Below is a little guidance if you are not familiar with what an infographic tool is (or have not done one before). Infographic tools are really neat! Please check out this link for help in understanding how to create one, what they should look like, and there is also a free version on the Canva site.

(Links to an external site.)

This YouTube video is a quick tutorial on how to create an Infographic tool in PowerPoint if you do not want to sign up for the free version of Canva. Please just make sure you are not building a PowerPoint presentation. This should be a true infographic tool.

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