Invisible girl analysis-Rewrite the paper attached following the instructions below throughly

Rewrite the paper attached following the instructions below throughly

Traditionally, superheroes have had a gender problem. Historically, the roles for women in
superhero stories have often been either minimal or problematic in some way. And then there’s
the issue of how female characters and even female superheroes are depicted visually in comic
books; usually, it’s been about pleasing the male gaze rather than creating something that’s
practical for crime-fighting. The result of both of these tendencies is to create an audience for
the genre that is overwhelmingly male, especially when we’re talking about comic books.
Despite this, there have been important and interesting female superhero characters throughout
the history of the genre. It will be your job in this paper to write about the female superheroes
(and supporting characters) featured in a particular comic book story. I have posted a collection
of stories in the Week 5 folder for you to write about; you will need to choose one to examine
in your paper. The stories come from a variety of eras and focus on a variety of characters,
including Wonder Woman, the Invisible Girl, Wasp, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel (the original one that
became Captain Marvel), Vixen, Dark Phoenix, and more. I’d recommend taking a look at all of
them to help you decide which one you’re going to cover in your paper.
Your paper will need to examine how the female characters are portrayed in the story you
choose. What kind of gender norms are being reproduced here? What are the female
characters like as heroes? How are they different than their male counterparts? To what extent
do they act in stereotypical ways? What lessons did these “superhero women” teach potential
female readers about what it meant to be a woman? How do these stories represent feminist
ideas about gender and the roles of women? These are just some questions to get you thinking;
you can address any one of them, or you can come up with a central question on your own, so
long as you’re focusing on the portrayal of the female characters in the story. For a model on
how to do this kind of analysis, look at the article “Second Wave Feminism in the Pages of Lois
Lane,” by Jennifer Stuller, and the Power Point from today’s class. We’ll try to do some
practicing of this kind of analysis today, too. If you use any secondary sources – which you
should not really need to – then you’ll need to include a bibliography along with the paper.

A top quality paper will have the following ingredients:
• A unified argument about how female characters (especially the lead superhero) are portrayed
in your story
• Thoroughly developed analysis of the story and the characters featured therein
• Insight into your story and the role of female superheroes more generally
• Evidence from the story you’re examining to support your argument and analysis
• Prose that is free of mistakes and written in an engaging style. Try to avoid run-ons and fragments, as well as homonyms and other structural writing problems. Please include a title to give your reader a brief glimpse into what your paper is all about.

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