Literature Review for Glaspell’s ‘A Jury of Her Peers’

For the short paper, you’ll write a 2-3 page essay in which you analyze Glaspell’s ‘A Jury of Her Peers’. (Themes such as oppression of women at the time, Symbolism such as the bird, the husbands death, the friut jars)

– What larger idea or theme does it create? What does it suggest about the historical period or culture it represents? The overall purpose of your paper will be to support the accuracy of your interpretation, so avoid claims that are so obvious they don’t need support and claims for which you’ll find it difficult to provide evidence.

-In addition to an interpretation or argument, your thesis should include an organizational plan for body paragraph topics. Indicate in your thesis statement how you’ll break your evidence into categories in the body of your essay—the kinds of details you’ll use in your analysis.

– Each body paragraph in your paper should contain a clear topic sentence that corresponds to the organizational plan in your thesis statement, several specific examples from the literary work you are analyzing, and an explanation of how these examples support the interpretation you presented in your thesis statement.

– Write at least two brief quotations from the literary work as support in each body paragraph. Give quotations when the wording is especially important, and follow each quotation with a parenthetical reference (author’s last name and page number, though you can drop the author’s name in succeeding references if the literary work is the only source on your works cited page).

In addition to the required quotations, you may include paraphrases from the literary work as support, also followed by parenthetical references to indicate the location of the text that you’re rewording.

The final paragraph in your essay should be a conclusion in which you restate your thesis and discuss its potential significance. For example, how is it interesting or important that the author has depicted an issue in a particular way? What does your interpretation of the literary work suggest about its historical period or about other related topics?

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