Logistic Regression – Using Jamovi software

Use the Framingham heart study data for this lab. Predict Heart disease within 10 years using binomial logistic regression. Use age and diabetes as predictors in the model. You are exploring how advancing age affects how likely someone will be to have heart disease within ten years. You will also explore if having diabetes increases the chances someone will have heart disease. Finally, you will also explore if the effects of diabetes and age combine to increase the chances someone will have heart disease above and beyond the effects of either alone. Data is attached below

Question 1 (6 points) Enregistré(e)
1) What is the change in Chi-squared of the model once the interaction term is put in to the model, as compared to only having the main effects in the model?

2) Is the interaction term significant?

3) Using the model with only the main effects in it, what is the probability that someone of age ZERO, WITH NO diabetes will have heart disease in the first ten years of their life?

4) Using the model with only the main effects in it, what is the probability that someone of age 46, WITH NO diabetes will have heart disease in the next ten years of their life?

5) Using the model with only the main effects in it, what is the probability that someone of age 40, WITH diabetes will have heart disease in the next
ten years of their life?

6) Using the model with only the main effects in it, look at the estimated marginal means table and report what the probability of someone one standard deviation above the average age WITH diabetes will have heart disease within the next tern years.

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