Mahayana Buddhism-Briefly explain the origins of the religion. Does it have a known founder (such as the Buddha or Jesus Christ or Muhammed), or is the origin unknown (such as Judaism and Hinduism)?

1. Give the name of the religion (Mahayana Buddhism), and the specific denomination/ movement/tradition. E.g., you might be studying the Kabbalistic tradition within Judaism, or the Sunni movement within Islam.

2. Briefly explain the origins of the religion. Does it have a known founder
(such as the Buddha or Jesus Christ or Muhammed), or is the origin unknown
(such as Judaism and Hinduism)? In either case, who are some of the major
personages associated with the religion, as well as with the particular
tradition you are researching? When and where did the religion originate?

3. Does the religion/tradition have one god, or many (or any?) If more than
one god, how many? Are there some gods with more power/authority/popularity than others?

4. Provide some description of the main god(s) (if any): their name, origin,
and characteristics (attributes).

5. Are there other spiritual beings? If so, what kinds?
Formal requirements: 3 FULL pages (don’t skimp!), double space, 12 pt. font.
You may use either Chicago style or APA. Avoid long quotations. For all
information that does not originate in your head, cite your sources by
providing a parenthetical citation or a footnote giving author, shortened title,
and page number where the information came from. Also, provide a works
cited/bibliography. Title pages, end notes (if any), and bibliography do not
count toward the 3 page requirement. Basically, tell the reader (me) in your
own words what your source says, and then tell me where they said it

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