Mile One

This milestone will help you complete Sections I, II, and IV of the final project. You will select the multinational corporation you will examine and give a rationale for your choice. You will select a corporation from the Final Project Company List.

Imagine you are a consultant preparing a report analyzing how a company expands internationally. In this report, you will delve into various facets, including financial factors, market conditions, risk mitigation strategies, and ethical and legal practices. Choose a company from the company list provided or consult your instructor for alternative options.
Additional information on locating resources can be found on the resource document Global Financial Information Resources.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Company Overview: Use the company’s website and 10-K report to support responses for this section.
Using the company list, select a company to use for Milestones One and Two and your final project.
Describe the company’s background, including its industry and extent of its multinational reach for identifying expansion factors and corporate strategies.

Economic Environments and Market Conditions
Identify international financial markets in which the company operates, such as stock markets, bond markets, and money markets, for explaining how the company raises capital within these markets.
Discuss effects of the global credit crisis on the company’s ability to raise capital required to support its expansion and operations, and provide examples to support your claims.
Ethical and Legal Considerations: Explain how the company is maximizing shareholders’ value while maintaining ethical and legal practices.
Discuss the company’s ethical and legal management during the 2007–2008 crisis for evaluating its impacts on international investing.
Analyze the impact of ethical and legal decisions on internal stakeholders, including shareholders, for identifying strengths and areas of improvement in international expansion strategies. Provide examples to support your claims.
Discuss the impact of the company’s ethical and legal decisions on external stakeholders, including the government, culture, and environment into which the company expanded, for identifying strengths and areas of improvement in expansion strategies. Provide examples to support your claims.

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