MIND diet for decreasing cognitive decline with aging discussion.

Step 1 Consider the food groups in MyPlate and the recommendations for each.
Vegetables = 3-5 servings per day
Fruits = 3-5 servings per day
Milk = 2 servings per day
Grains = 4-6 servings per day with at least half of them being whole grains
Protein = 4-8 ounces per day (lean, or unsaturated fat sources)
Step 2 Watch the video and note the food groups not discussed

Step 3 Reply to this discussion with your initial post that includes answers to the following questions.
What stood out to you as the most important guideline?
Did the sample menu (beginning at 3:44) meet the recommended servings for each of the food groups?
EXPLAIN two specific food changes that would improve the sample diet to be more like the MIND diet? For example, you might note that some food groups do not meet the amount mentioned in the recommendations above the video, so you would suggest some foods that would help meet the correct number in that food group.

Step 4: Engage in conversation with peers
Reply to at least 2 peers with meaningful, substantial thought.
Replies should include new or unique information with a minimum of FIVE (5) sentences.
Replies should be on a separate day from the initial post. (Requirement of 3 posts over two separate days total.)

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